Recycling Program


The doors of Brandon’s Shredding Boxes are open to those people who would like the opportunity to spend time in the BSB Bunker, shredding paper and meeting new friends in a casual and relaxed environment.

Brandon’s Shredding Boxes Bunker is a meeting place where an individual living with disabilities can come and spend some time experiencing the benefits of participating in our Community Recycling Program.

Life & Work Skills

There are many opportunities to learn work skills and work-related behaviour. The Bunker also provides an area designated to spending time socialising and meeting new friends. We teach life skills where our participants have the opportunity to learn domestic skills in our Sip and Snack Station.

These self-help and work skills will hopefully contribute to the individual learning a greater sense of independence and where confidence, positivity and self-worth can be achieved.

Be A Part of BSB

All clients must be supported by either, a support worker/ agency worker/ carer.

Booking in for a 2 hour block will cost $25 a session.

They can enjoy the benefits of being part of the Community working together to shred, recycle and protect the environment as well as gaining life skills that can be utilised outside the Bunker.

Helping achieve these goals is of great priority at Brandon’s Shredding Boxes Bunker.

Get in Touch.
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