Brandon, a young man with Autism, embarked on his quest for employment opportunities after completing school. However, facing the challenge of finding a job that accommodated his special needs, he, with the support of his mother Simone, initiated a small paper shredding business named Brandon’s Shredding Boxes.
Their service provides compact bins, termed “Boxes” by Brandon, to households and local businesses for the disposal of office paper, previously destined for regular bins without recycling. Recognising a need in the community, they discovered a perfect synergy between Brandon’s capabilities and the desire for recycling among many establishments lacking recycling programs or finding document shredding time-consuming.
Inclusivity and Community Support
With over 350 customers, Brandon’s journey has become an inspiration, proving that individuals with disabilities can contribute meaningfully to society. His story highlights the positive impact of supporting inclusivity and community involvement, with businesses also benefiting from the opportunity to support individuals with disabilities.
Award-Winning Recycling Pioneer and Community Hero
Brandon has been honoured with awards for small business leadership, waste champion accolades, and a recognised Local Hero Status, establishing himself as a role model and pioneer in paper shredding and recycling within the community.
The Brandon Shredding Box Community Recycling Program and Education Support Work Placement Program have provided countless individuals living with disabilities with purpose and self-confidence, fostering a sense of achievement while enhancing life, work, and social skills. Brandon serves as a role model, exemplifying that with hard work and determination, anything is possible.